Accordion tuning is a skill that requires talent, and a lot of time to learn how to do it without damaging the reeds. Everyone who owns an accordion should read this page carefully, for ideas about ways to preserve the heritage contained
in old accordions.
By Gaines I. "Ike" Milligan
If after reading this treatise, you have anything to add, or questions, please don't hesitate, communicate !
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The accordion reed consists of a flat plate with two slots through it, and on the end of each slot is riveted a steel or (rarely) brass strip, which vibrates in the slot as air passes over it. The strip that vibrates is called a reed, and each plate has two reeds, one for each direction of airflow, according to whether the bellows are squeezed or pulled. When you open the accordion, as described in How to Repair Bellows, you will see some blocks containing the reeds. Never touch the reeds with bare fingers, as salt and acid in your skin will eventually cause the metal to oxidize. Never blow into the reeds with your breath to test them, as the same thing will happen quicker. This corrosion of the metal is one of the principle causes (among many) that will cause unwanted changes in pitch. Also, take great care not to scratch the reed plate where the slot is, or nick the slot, as the slot must have a precision fitted sharp edge to make the reed play right. Most of the reeds have a leather or thin plastic valve on the opposite side of the plate glued down on one end, to allow the air to only flow in one direction, except for the highest reeds, which, if well made, don't waste much air, and may need a little "bleeding" of air to cut the pressure. If this valve is missing, bent, or defective it will make the reed out of tune and/or sound bad.
The reeds are usually glued to the wooden blocks, called "reed bars" with a mixture of beeswax and rosin. Other kinds of wax, e.g., candle wax, pure beeswax, parafin, will not work. Some very old accordions use other fastening systems, like screws and leather gaskets, for instance. The unique function of the special accordion wax is to tightly grip the reed plates against the wood. This is absolutely necessary to produce strong bright sound at an accurate pitch. The wax will usually do its job well for only about 20 years or so, after which it gets brittle and starts to crack. It cannot be well restored by re-melting, as the essential oils have leached out and evaporated. If you try to fix the bad wax with a 30 watt soldering iron, it will not hold for very long, and also the accordion may sound weak. If the wax is still good, it will feel somewhat soft to the touch, and a tiny flake can be warmed and softened in the hand, and smeared between the fingers as a test. Before tuning can take place, bad brittle wax must be replaced.Click here to see a photo I took of my reed waxing tools: a couple of special spoons, a waxing blade, an alcohol lamp, and a warming pot to melt the wax. The spoons are made from metal tubing, and the wax is heated over a low flame to the right temperature before being "poured" between and around the reeds.
A word of warning: Before buying a used accordion -- most used accordions on the
market have never been properly serviced, as this country does not have
the accordion repair infrastructure of repair people, like you have for,
for instance, pianos. Pawn shops, music stores, and individuals, even some
accordion dealers are selling unrestored accordions for too high a price. After you play
an unrestored one for a while, it starts to develop bad sounds, if it didn't have them already. Most accordions
have hundreds of reeds and thousands of moving parts. A reed overhaul will
almost always be necessary in order to tune and restore the reeds, that
is, new wax has to be carefully poured around the hundreds of reed plates,
the reeds inspected, cleaned, anti-rust treated, reed valves replaced, requiring many hours of work. Restoration of an old accordion
can cost hundreds to well over $1000 due to the many hours of labor needed. Compared with piano maintenance, it is not
more expensive, when one takes into consideration that pianos need to be
tuned once or twice a year, whereas an accordion needs a reed overhaul
after 20 years or more if properly stored and/or played nicely. If your accordion was played in smoke-filled bars every night or worse on the street
corner every day, it needs to be overhauled every year or so. I would advise
against paying much money when buying most used accordions for the
simple reason that, in the U.S. at least, very few accordions have ever
been serviced.
On the plus side, an unrestored accordion after being restored, would be better than a new one costing much more that the cost of repairing it.
If the accordion smells damp and musty, don't even consider
buying it, as dampness problems,
e.g., such as arise from storage
in a basement, can easily double the time necessary for restoration work. Dampness causes rust on the reeds, corrosion to mechanical parts, warping
of wood parts, and on and on.
Before the reeds on most older accordions can be tuned, they must be
cleaned, usually re-waxed, anti-rust treated, reed valves repaired. and
reed blocks leveleled to not leak air under the block. Failure to overhaul
the wax and "leathers" before tuning the accordion will give a very bad result. Pouring
the wax, cleaning, etc. is a substantial time commitment. The "average"
or median accordion is a "3/5" 120 bass accordion meaning 3 sets of treble reeds, times 41 treble
keys, 5 bass reed sets consisting of 12 bass reeds. 3 sets times 41 is 123 reed plates
plus 5 times 12 (60) bass reed plates. That's 183 reed plates with a reed
on each side of the plate, 366 reeds. 99 percent of American accordions
have never been overhauled, and need it as the accordion wax will usually be pretty
dry after 20 years. The cost of such a job, including tuning, because of
the time necessary, is around $5 per red plate based on the total number, as a flat rate. It is not unusual for the treble key valve pads needing to be replaced at an additional cost.
Causes of Sour Notes
Bad sounding notes have several possible causes. Here is a list:
1. Curled or missing reed valves. All of the reeds, except the very
highest pitched, require a one-way valve glued to the top of the
slot on the opposite side of the plate from the reed. This is usually a
made from a very special kind of leather, or in the case of newer Hohner
accordions, a synthetic material. This is blown outward by the air when
the reed plays, and snaps back when the reed on the other side of the plate
is activated by the opposite flow of air. This may have a "booster" (tiny
spring) glued at the fixed end to make sure it goes back quickly. If the
reed valve does not lie flat, then it will either pop back after the reed
starts to sound, with a sudden change in pitch and volume, not go back
at all, with a sharpening in the pitch sounding out of tune and wasting
air, or dance with a "sniffle" or "sizzle" in the reed. This can be due
to curling due to humidity and heat, or keeping the accordion stored in
a horizontal position which will make half the valves sag open due to gravity.
Most accordions are designed to be stored vertically so that the
reed "leathers" remain vertical and don't deform.
2. Rust or dirt on the reeds. If the accordion is played in the
rain or worst of all near the ocean, which will totally ruin the
reeds beyond repair due to salt rust making pits in the surface, or maybe
stored it in a basement, or perhaps someone opened the instrument and blew
breath on the reed bars to test the reeds, (which one should never
do) the reeds will usually go flat, making the tuning sound pretty bad.
Such an instrument will often smell damp or moldy. This type of damage,
if severe, greatly complicates the job of tuning, and can make restoration
not be cost effective. Incidently, if a customer shows me an accordion,
and I think it is not worth repairing, I will strongly discourage having
the work done. If I think it is worth it and I like the instrument, I will
try to work with an affordable price estimate.
3. Bad wax. The special wax which in most accordions holds the reeds
in place will go entirely bad after 20 to 40 years. If the reeds
are nailed in with tiny nails as in some accordions
etc. the accordion can still be played with bad wax, all other things being
equal, but even then tuning can not be done correctly without pouring new
wax. This is partly because the old wax fragments and gets all over everything
when disturbed. If the reed is loose in the wax, it can buzz and sound
very horrible, or just leak air and sound weak, or go sharp.
4. If a reed is about to break from metal fatigue, it will go very
flat, down eventually to a lower pitch, then it snaps off.
5. Improperly glued reed valves. The reed "leather" should not cover
too much of the length of the slot where the glue is. It has to lie
the whole length of the slot, to keep the reed from wasting air and going
sharp, but has to bend up easily with air pressure off most of the slot
to keep too much pressure from building up, which makes it go flat i.e.,
the thicker the air the slower it can vibrate. The general rule is 20%
of the end of the valve has glue.
6. Wrong clearance on the reed tip. The reed tip has to lie slightly
above the slot, generally a gap about equal to its thickness. If it is
too wide a clearance it will waste air and be sharp in pitch. If not enough
clearance, the reed will "choke" when under sudden pressure change.
7. Cheap steel or too much filing during tuning. Both conditions will
cause the reed to go flatter as more air passes over it. This can make the accordion in tune at one pressure and out of tune as the loudness and pressure
change. The accordion reeds are tuned by scratching or filing, but some amateur accordion tuners may
ruin or damage the reeds by scratching the plate, or taking off too much
8. Loose reed rivets. In the worst case they can make the reed not
play at all if the reed rotatates sideways over the slot.
9. Damage to the slot, for instance the accordion reed can hit against the metal
in the slot and suddenly go sharp as it plays louder. This may usually
occur on the highest reeds.
My accordion tuning method.
Right now you may be wondering... "How does Ike achieve such phenomenal results tuning?"
Here are some points about my accordion tuning methods. In general:
I use digital software and rather sophisticated audio equipment to measure the pitch. It is a very bad idea to use a meter type of pitch device
to tune accordion reeds. It will give you s an inaccurate reading. Some repairers do not tune the reeds by constantly
checking the sound with the reeds inside the accordion, but if you try
to do it with the reeds out, the pressure is different than inside
the instrument, and an accurate result is not possible. Outside the accordion, the pressure is
reversed, and the reeds that are under negative pressure (vacuum) are the
ones that are under positive pressure inside. Also the reeds all have to be clean and the wax new, and the reed valves in order, before undertaking tuning.
contact me with any questions you may have. For more info about my accordion repair service
please visit my main page
Repair book reprints and music scores
For "how to" info on doing your own Accordion Bellows
Accordion care Tips
What About Your Bass Buttons?
Phone me at (301)649-1266 !